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Masonic appendant bodies in England and Wales

Masonic Orders, Rites & Degrees

Masonic Orders, Rites & Degrees

Known collectively as Masonic bodies, Masonic orders, or appendant bodies (or orders) of Freemasonry, Masonic rites and degrees will also be covered. There are several organisations and orders that are part of the larger fellowship of Freemasonry, each with their own structure and nomenclature.

England & Wales

Following the craft freemasonry degrees, there are a vast number of separately administered degrees and orders available solely to craft freemasons in England and Wales. Beyond the three degrees of craft freemasonry, the Holy Royal Arch is the only degree officially recognised by the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE) under the English Constitution. Other orders and degrees, on the other hand, are referred to and recognised by the Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, and all of its members are required to be masons under the English Constitution. The following are some of the most well-known Masonic appendant bodies:

Masonic appendant bodies in England and Wales
A diagram of Masonic appendant bodies in England and Wales

In England and Wales, the Holy Royal Arch is performed as a separate degree from Craft Freemasonry. Members gather in Royal Arch Chapters, which are each affiliated with a Craft Lodge and have the same number. The Supreme Grand Chapter administers the Order, which is situated at the headquarters of the United Grand Lodge of England in Freemasons’ Hall, London, and shares several officers with it. In England and Wales, craft lodges usually have a Royal Arch Representative, and recently raised Master Masons are actively urged to pursue exaltation into the Holy Royal Arch before joining any other Masonic organisation.

The Order of Mark Master Masons. This degree is exclusively granted under the English Constitution at Mark Masons’ Lodges, which are independent of the United Grand Lodge of England and administered from Mark Masons’ Hall in London. Members of the Order may also join the Royal Ark Mariners.

The Order of the Secret Monitor. According to the English Constitution, the Order meets in Conclaves, each of which is led by a Supreme Ruler. The Masonic Order is administered from Mark Masons’ Hall in London. Members of the Order may also join the Scarlet Cord Order.

The Ancient and Accepted Rite of England and Wales, is known informally as “Rose Croix.” The Rite meets in Rose Croix Chapters and is available solely to Master Masons who believe in the Christian Holy Trinity, according to the English Constitution. Candidates are ‘perfected’ at the 18th degree, with the earlier degrees being conferred solely in name. Those who have served as the chair of the Chapter are eligible to continue to the 30th degree and beyond. The Order is administered by London’s ‘Supreme Council 33° for England and Wales.’

The Knights Templar. Membership is only offered by invitation. Candidates must be Master Masons, Royal Arch Masons, and Christians who believe in the Christian Holy Trinity. Preceptories are where Knights Templar gather. The Order is run from Mark Masons’ Hall in London, and members can also join the Knights of Malta or the Knight Templar Priests.

Mark Masons’ Hall in London serves as the administrative headquarters for the Order of Royal and Select Masters. It operates the degrees of Select Master, Royal Master, Most Excellent Master, and Super-Excellent Master, demonstrating the connection between the degrees of Master Mason, Mark Master Mason, and the Holy Royal Arch.

The Order of the Red Cross of Constantine, the Holy Sepulchre, and St John the Evangelist, sometimes known informally as the “Red Cross of Constantine.” Candidates must be Master Masons, Royal Arch Masons, and Christians who believe in the Christian Holy Trinity. Conclaves are gatherings of members. The Order has three degrees and administers two unique appendant orders, both of which are Christian in nature. The Order is run from Mark Masons’ Hall in London.

The Allied Masonic Degrees, a collection of five previously distinct degrees, are exclusively bestowed by invitation. Candidates must be Master Masons, Royal Arch Masons, or Mark Masons. Members may be invited to join the Order of the Knight Masons as well. The Order holds Councils and is governed from Mark Masons’ Hall in London.


The Grand Lodge of Scotland and the Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Scotland are the governing body.

According to the Scottish Masonic Constitution, the Mark Master’s degree can be obtained either within a Craft Lodge after attaining the Master Mason degree, or within a Royal Arch Chapter before obtaining the Excellent Master degree. According to the Scottish Masonic Constitution, no one may be exalted as a Royal Arch Mason without first being advanced as a Mark Master Mason.

Craft freemasons can join a variety of various orders, the most noteworthy of which being the following in Scotland:

  • The Royal Order of Scotland
  • The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite
  • The Masonic Knights Templar
  • The Red Cross of Constantine, which works five degrees.

United States

There are two major Masonic appendant bodies in the United States:

  • The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.
  • The York Rite (also known as the American Rite) consists of three different and distinct entities, in addition to the craft lodge: the Royal Arch Chapter (Capitular Masonry), the Council of Royal & Select Masters (Cryptic Masonry), and the Commandery of the Knights Templar.


In Ireland, in addition to the Craft degrees granted by the Grand Lodge of Ireland, there are a number of degrees and orders that are administered separately and are offered to Master Masons either by petition or by invitation.

  • The Royal Arch in Ireland is one of a kind, and it is usually considered as the world’s oldest operating Royal Arch. Members of the Royal Arch in England, Scotland, or America would note significant changes in the degree’s topic from what they are accustomed to. In Ireland, Royal Arch Chapters can convene as Lodges of Mark Master Masons to confer the Mark Degree on a candidate. This must be completed before a candidate may be awarded the Royal Arch Degree. The Supreme Grand Royal Arch Chapter of Ireland governs Irish Royal Arch chapters, and both the Mark Master Masons and Royal Arch degrees are recognised by Grand Lodge as being part of “pure, ancient Freemasonry.”
  • The Knight Mason degrees are the last component of “Universal” Irish Freemasonry. They are open to all Craft and Royal Arch members. They are commonly referred to as the Red Cross Degrees in other constitutions, especially, Knight of the Sword (formerly Red Cross of Babylon or Red Cross of Daniel), Knight of the East (officially Jordan Pass), and Knight of the East and West (formally Royal Order). Previously, these degrees were administered by Knights Templar Preceptories and a few Royal Arch Chapters. The Grand Council of Knight Masons was formed in 1923 to maintain and protect the Degrees and the Councils that bestow them.Irish Knight Masonry is currently an international masonic organisation that is expanding. The Degrees bestowed by the Grand Council of Knight Masons are conferred in the exact historical order and in considerably greater detail than any other similar organisation in the world. It is invitational in other jurisdictions.
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