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Spreading the Cement of Brotherhood: The Symbolism and Meaning of the Masonic Trowel

The Masonic trowel is a symbolic tool that holds significant meaning within Freemasonry. It is a small handheld instrument with a flat, rectangular blade and a handle. The trowel is traditionally associated with the craft of stonemasonry and is used to spread and level mortar or cement when laying bricks or stones. In Freemasonry, the […]

forget me not

Forget-Me-Not: Symbolism, Meaning, and Significance Explained

The phrase “Forget-me-not” is not only associated with Freemasonry but also holds broader cultural and symbolic meanings. In the context of Freemasonry, the forget-me-not flower is used as a symbol of remembrance and fidelity. Within the Masonic fraternity, the forget-me-not has been linked to an allegorical story that connects it to the persecution faced by […]

Giohargius Tubal cain

What Does The Tubal Cain Mean in Freemasonry?

Tubal Cain is a term that holds significance within Masonic symbolism. In Freemasonry, Tubal Cain is often associated with the practice of metalworking and craftsmanship. The name Tubal Cain is derived from biblical references found in the Book of Genesis, where Tubal-Cain is described as a descendant of Cain, the son of Adam and Eve. […]

Gilt Rose Croix Masonic Cufflinks

What is Rose Croix?

Discover the intriguing world of Rose Croix, an esoteric degree within Scottish Rite Freemasonry. Unravel the symbolism, teachings, and spiritual wisdom behind this ancient order.

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